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Adult Education Offerings at Har Shalom

Har Shalom offers a variety of adult education classes for members and non-members. Each fall and spring, Rabbi Finestone and a large group of enthusiastic teachers offer classes covering a wide range of topics and subjects. Find more information here, in the community calendar, or in your weekly Happenings e-newsletter. 


Jewish Holidays 101

Sept 25 | Oct 9 | Dec 11 | Mar 5 | Apr 2 | May 28 7:45 - 8:45pm

Fee: Members & Pathways to Judaism Students: Free / Non-Members: $10 per class

Location: Har Shalom and Zoom
Facilitator: Rabbi Sally Finestone

Jewish Holidays 101 is for anyone who would like to understand each of our holidays in a little more depth, with an emphasis on the history and adult meaning of each holiday. Come join Rabbi Finestone before each holiday for an hour of exploration and great questions! Click on each class to register. Join us for one class or all six.

September 25: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

October 9: Sukkot and Simchat Torah

December 11: Hanukkah

March 5: Purim

April 2: Passover

May 28: Shavuot

Beginner Conversational Hebrew

Oct 8, 15, 22 | Nov 12, 19 | Dec 3, 10, 17      7:00 - 8:30pm

Fee: Members & Pathways to Judaism Students: Free / Non-Members: $80 

Location: Har Shalom 
Instructor: Merav Tsubely

Join Merav Tsubely for this 8-session class that will focus on speaking modern, conversational Hebrew. It is especially designed for beginners. This class will meet in person only. 

Click here to register. 

Pathways to Judaism

Tuesdays 7:00-8:30pm, beginning Nov 12          Fee: Members: $180 / Non-Members: $200 

Location: Har Shalom and Zoom
Facilitator: Rabbi Sally Finestone

This program is an intensive 20-session course designed for people considering conversion to Judaism, or for adult Jews who would like a refresher course on the core beliefs, practices, and history of our people. The course is designed to open the world of Jewish tradition and understanding to those who have little or no background. 

Click here to register. For information, email Rabbi Finestone at

Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784